Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography: Blog https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog en-us (C) Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography (Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:33:00 GMT Mon, 16 Mar 2020 07:33:00 GMT https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/img/s/v-12/u335606815-o925446317-50.jpg Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography: Blog https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog 120 120 Oahu Beach Maternity Session I Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/3/oahu-beach-maternity-session-i-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Mandi’s Oahu beach maternity session was full of sweet moments with her husband and daughter. Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerMaternity Session on Oahu's Waimanalo Beach Park

We met at Waimanalo Beach Park just as the day crowds were leaving. On this beach, the sun sets behind the mountains which creates a golden light that shines out over the ocean lighting up the clouds. It is a great location because you can see the mountains as well as the ocean.

Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Family Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Family Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Family Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Family Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Family Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park

They will be welcoming a girl soon and her big sister is already excited. I asked her to give her little sister a hug. It was so cute as she kissed her mom’s belly and then jumped in surprise exclaiming that her sister had kicked her. I love being able to record ‘first moments’ for families.

Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkI loved you before you were born Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkI loved you before you were born Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkI loved you before you were born Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkI loved you before you were born

Mandi, as you can see in these images, is a strong beautiful woman. She is also really funny. These girls are lucky to have her as their mom. 

Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerOahu Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach Park

Aubri's dress is from Just Couture and you can find it in my client closet in a variety of sizes.  Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses Child Portrait Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerChild Portrait at Waimanalo Beach Park by Julie Ryan Shiroma PhotographyGirls in beautiful dresses

Most packages come with a framed print so you can remember all the fun you had.  Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerFramed Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkDon't forget to frame them. Maternity Session, Waimanalo Beach Park, Oahu PhotographerFramed Maternity Session at Waimanalo Beach ParkDon't forget to frame them.

Schedule your own session HERE

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family Hawaii Maternity Photographer hawaii photographer Maternity Oahu Maternity Photographer oahu photographer oahu portrait photographer Portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/3/oahu-beach-maternity-session-i-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Thu, 05 Mar 2020 03:30:36 GMT
Sweet 16 Oahu Photoshoot on Hickam Air Force Base https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/2/sweet-16-oahu-photoshoot-on-hickam-air-force-base ​​​​This amazing girl is celebrating her Sweet 16 birthday complete with a Haku Lei and all the things that matter most to her right now.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16  

We started the session in her room because it not only has beautiful lighting but she has strings of feathers hanging behind her bed that I love. No young girls room is complete without several stuffed animals competing for space on the bed.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerTeenage Girl Room Decor Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerTeenage Girl Room Decor

This one is her favorite.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Dog

 She lives on Hikam and the canal is the place where she goes to think, journal, and read the Bible. Such a beautiful place to contemplate life.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerOahu Girl and Palm Trees

As we were walking up to the hill there was a huge dead palm leaf hanging limp from the tree. Initially I was going to tear it down but as we got closer I realized that the leaf would add cool texture to the images.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and Palm Trees Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and Palm Trees Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and Palm Trees Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and Palm Trees Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and Palm Trees

 Kaitlyn moved here from the mainland an immediately embraced the culture when she took up paddling for her high school team. She looks tiny but put her in a canoe and she becomes a strong and fierce competitor working well with her team.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerA Girl and her Paddle

Here are some of my favorite images.

Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot Sweet 16, Oahu Senior Portraits, Hawaii Senior Portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerSweet 16 Oahu Photo Shoot

Contact me to schedule your own session.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family hawaii photographer oahu photographer Oahu Photographer Hawaii Photographer oahu portrait photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer Portraits Senior Photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/2/sweet-16-oahu-photoshoot-on-hickam-air-force-base Sat, 29 Feb 2020 00:27:36 GMT
She Turned 10 by Julie Ryan Shiroma I Oahu Photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/2/she-turned-10-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-i-oahu-photographer One minute I am deep in diapers and playing with legos and then I blink and she is 10 years old.  Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family PhotographerShe is 10

 So surreal how quickly the years go by even though the day to day seems to crawl at times. She is an only child so of course she had 17 different birthday celebrations because you only turn 10 once. She wanted a special photo shoot to mark her entry into double digits so we found a dress at Jeans Warehouse and ordered a Haku Lei from Lulu's Leis and Bouquets in Haleiwa. I loved working with Lulu's Leis and Bouquets because they made it so easy. I was gong to drive up and talk to them in person so I called to make sure they were open. I got the answering machine so I hung up and decided to just relax on the couch. Well, a few minutes later they called me. Instead of having to drive over I was able to send a picture of the dress and inspiration pictures from previous leis from their Instagram page. They created a perfect lei for the occasion and I never had to leave my couch.

Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family PhotographerHaku LeiBeautiful Lei created by Lulu's Leis and Bouquets in Haleiwa

So here are my favorite images from my sweet sweet 10 year old's milestone photo session. We started at one of my favorite beaches on the North Shore. They have beautiful mountain and ocean views as well as a swing!  Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii swings, Oahu SwingsChild on Swing Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach

So many places to explore. Fallen trees and tide pools. 

Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach

Hug them close and tight because they grow up so fast. I will blink again and she will be off to college.

Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach Oahu Child Portraits, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Haleiwa, North Shore Oahu photosExploring North Shore Beach

Contact me today to celebrate milestones in your own child's life. 

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Family haiku Hawaii Child Portraits Hawaii Photographer leis Milestones Oahu Oahu Child Portraits Photographer Portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2020/2/she-turned-10-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-i-oahu-photographer Tue, 04 Feb 2020 07:45:16 GMT
Best of 2019 Oahu Photographer Julie Ryan Shiroma https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/12/best-of-2019-oahu-photographer-julie-ryan-shiroma 2019 was the year I discovered that you should eat Cheetos with chopsticks so your fingers don't get orange. No more orange dust on the computer for this girl! It was also a year of documenting elopements, family milestones and photographs that made people feel good about embracing who they are right now. Please enjoy some of my favorites from this year. May you all be blessed in 2020.

Elopement, Engagement, Beach wedding,Engagement Oahu

Oahu Elopement, EngagementOahu Engagement Elopement, Engagement, Beach wedding,Engagement Oahu Elopement, Engagement, Beach wedding,Engagement Oahu Oahu Family PhotographyOahu Family Portrait Oahu Photographer, beach session dressBeach Session Dress Oahu Photographer, Mother and SonMamma's boy Oahu Photographer, Julie Ryan ShiromaChinaman's HatOahu Family Beach Session Oahu Photographer, Julie Ryan ShiromaChinaman's HatOahu Family Beach Session Oahu Photographer, Julie Ryan ShiromaChinaman's HatOahu Family Beach Session Oahu Family SessionKing Kong Maternity Oahu PhotographerMaternity Session Maternity Oahu PhotographerMaternity Session Maternity Oahu PhotographerMaternity Session Oahu Portrait PhotographerPortrait Oahu Family Photographer Mother Daughter Oahu Family Photographer Mother Daughter Oahu Family Photographer Mother Daughter Oahu Family Photographer Mother Daughter Oahu Family Photographer Mother Daughter Oahu Family PhotographerOahu Family SessionWaimanalo Family Session Oahu Family PhotographerOahu Family SessionWaimanalo Family Session Oahu Family PhotographerOahu Family SessionWaimanalo Family Session Oahu Family PhotographerOahu Family SessionWaimanalo Family Session elopement, Oahu, couplesEngaged couple couple, familySunset at Kaena couple, familySunset at Kaena Couples, familySunset Haleiwa Couples, familySunset Haleiwa Oahu, elopementOahu ElopementBeautiful sunny Oahu wedding Oahu, elopementOahu ElopementBeautiful sunny Oahu wedding Oahu, elopementOahu ElopementBeautiful sunny Oahu wedding Oahu, elopementOahu ElopementBeautiful sunny Oahu wedding family, baby, Oahu family, baby, Oahu Sunflowers, Oahu, Child PortraitsSunflowers Sunflowers, Oahu, Child PortraitSunflowers

As 2019 comes to a close I am thankful for the families, couples, and individuals that have allowed me to document this time in their lives. I am looking forward to all the adventures that 2020 will bring. Happy New Year.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children elopement family hawaii photographer oahu photographer Portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/12/best-of-2019-oahu-photographer-julie-ryan-shiroma Tue, 31 Dec 2019 19:28:49 GMT
Surprise on Oahu I Family Photography by Julie Ryan Shiroma https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/8/surprise-on-oahu-i-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma When I was in my 30's my friends tried to throw a surprise party for me. The party was amazing but I had learned about it weeks prior due to a typical slip up from a friend.

Surprises are just hard to pull off but that did not deter this family from trying. When it is your Mom's 70th birthday, you pull out all the stops to let her know how valued and loved she is. The first part of her birthday surprise involved celebrating it on Oahu. What an amazing gift in and of itself but here is the best part: Her kids and her grandchildren were also going to fly to Oahu and honor her for her 70th Birthday. They wanted to mark the special occasion by scheduling a photo shoot so we captured these photos at Waimanalu Beach Park just before sunset.

Oahu Portraits, Oahu Couples, Happy 70th BirthdayAll glamour and elegance Oahu Portraits, Oahu Couples, Happy 70th BirthdayAll glamour and elegance Oahu Portraits, Oahu Couples, Happy 70th BirthdayAll glamour and elegance Oahu Portraits, Oahu Couples, Happy 70th BirthdayAll glamour and elegance Group Family Photos OahuGroup Family Photo on the BeachEveryone together Group Family Photos OahuGroup Family Photo on the BeachEveryone together Group Family Photos OahuGroup Family Photo on the BeachEveryone together Oahu Couple PhotographerI will love you foreverLove on the beach

Take time to surprise your loved ones a little bit this week.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer joy oahu photographer Oahu Photographer Hawaii Photographer Oahu Portrait photographer Portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/8/surprise-on-oahu-i-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma Thu, 22 Aug 2019 00:07:01 GMT
Returning Highlights https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/2/returning-highlights What an honor to continually photograph stages in a growing family. Each year I not only see the physical growth of these families but also the maturing. Watching young teenagers come into their own self confidence, seeing little toddlers now bounding with enthusiasm and seeing couples grow deeper in love because of a shared life. Enjoy highlights of familiar families. Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Couples Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer  

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family Hawaii Family Photographer hawaii photographer Oahu Family Photographer oahu photographer Portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2019/2/returning-highlights Wed, 06 Feb 2019 03:02:51 GMT
Family is Everything l Oahu Photo Session by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/10/family-is-everything-l-oahu-photo-session-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

I didn't think I would be a widow at 57. Belinda says this to me and I imagine she says it to herself daily. It has almost been 6 months since Bobby suddenly went to be with Jesus.

Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

I met Bobby and Belinda last year when they stayed at our house. Their son lives with us so by the end of their visit, we adopted them...or they adopted us...we are family. Now Belinda is back on Oahu with rest of her children. We headed to Kaena Point to document this time in their lives. When you get siblings together they seem to revert to their childhood roles. They tease each other, race each other and to Belinda's delight...still play in the water. Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

Being together is a comfort. You see it in their joy and in their grief. Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

They share stories of Bobby and Belinda confesses that she put one of his shirts in a Ziplock bag so she can open it and still smell him.

Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

When there is great love, the grief is deep. Jesus is their center and continues to walk with this family. They know they will be reunited with Bobby one day and through the stories and the love, Bobby is not far from any of them. Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Kaena Point, Hawaii Family Photographer

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 1 Peter 5.10

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer oahu photographer Oahu Portrait Photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/10/family-is-everything-l-oahu-photo-session-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Thu, 04 Oct 2018 08:03:03 GMT
What to Wear For Hawaiian Photo Session l by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/5/what-to-wear-for-hawaiian-photo-session-l-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography What to wear, Hawaii, Fashion, Colors, Hawaii, Photographer, OahuWhat to wear in Hawaii

You have booked your photo session in Hawaii so now the fun part of deciding what to wear. First, decide which room you would like to hang these photos because you will want to display them. Every time you look at them you will be reminded of this time in your life on this beautiful island.

Color: If you are at the beach you are already working with the blues of the ocean and sky, the greens of the mountains and trees, and the sandy browns. Stand out from the background. Go with Jewel tones. Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family PhotographerWhat to wear for Hawaii photo session

Not only are they rich and vibrant but they look good on any complexion. Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer, Jewel tones,Jewel tones for Hawaii Photos Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer, jewel toneJewel Tone dress for Hawaii photo session Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer, jewel toneWearing Purple for Hawaii photo session

Orange is my favorite so if you are unsure, go with orange! Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer, Oahu Portrait PhotographerWearing Orange for Hawaii Photo Session

Pattern Pro Tip:  Find a patterned piece that you love and then pull the colors from that to make the other outfits. Everyone will coordinate but not match. Stay away from graphics and logos that will detract or date the photos. Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family PhotographerPatterns and Solids for Hawaii Photo Shoot Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer,Patterns and solids for Hawaii Photo Shoot

Style: Above all else, find an outfit that you are comfortable in. You should laugh, move and have fun during the shoot. There is usually wind at the beach so for Girls light fabric that moves with the wind creates beautiful images.

Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family PhotographerWind during Kailua Photo Shoot Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family PhotographerWind at Hawaii Photo Session  

Boys: Shorts or jeans with an un-tucked shirt. 

Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family Photographer, Boy outfitsBoy Clothes for Hawaii Photo Shoot Fashion, Colors, What to Wear, Hawaii, Photo, Oahu, Photography, Family PhotographerBoy clothes for Hawaii Photos

Now the whole family is ready to have fun. Contact me Here if you are ready to book your session.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family photographer hawaii family photographer hawaii photographer oahu photographer what to wear for hawaiian photo shoot https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/5/what-to-wear-for-hawaiian-photo-session-l-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Wed, 02 May 2018 07:13:00 GMT
Rain Showers l Family Photos on Oahu by Julie Ryan Shiroma https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/4/rain-showers-l-family-photos-on-oahu-by-julie-ryan-shiroma Muddy feet, family, photography, Hawaii, Oahu, Rainy Day Photo ShootReal Life

When I wake up and see rain, that is not  really a problem because the sun is usually shining somewhere...Well, not this morning. Everywhere the skies were overcast, the rain drizzled becoming heavy at times and there was no clearing in sight. When we arrived at the parking lot, I even overheard a boy from a family headed out on a bike ride ask, "But what if it starts raining really hard?" and I thought, you know what...you will have hundreds of bike rides in the sun but this one in the rain, you will remember.  So what do you do if it rains for your photo shoot? Go for it!  

Oahu, Family, Photographer, Hawaii, Vacation, Rainy, Rainy day photo shoot.

Oahu, Photographer, Family Photographer, Hawaii, Vacation, RainRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Photographer, Family Photographer, Hawaii, Vacation, RainRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Photographer, Family Photographer, Hawaii, Vacation, RainRainy Day Photo Shoot

This couples ROCKED it. They are young , adventurous, and they made the most of the rain. Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot

The rain lent a beautiful mysterious cast that added to the photos and made them even more interesting.  Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Family Photographer, Vacation PhotographerRainy Day Photo Shoot

Can't you just feel the little hand on your shoulder?

Baby Hands, Daddy, Family Photo Shoot, Photography, Hawaii, OahuRainy Day Photo ShootBaby Hands

John injured his shoulder awhile ago. When he saw this image, he said it was the first time he actually held John John on his shoulders. I am so glad we caught that moment.

Daddy, Shoulders, Family photo shoot, Photography, Hawaii, OahuRainy Day Photo ShootDaddy Express

John is the worship leader at my church and Erica sings when she is not working as a nurse. This one looks like it could be the cover of their first album.

Guitar, Black White, Family, Oahu, Hawaii, Photography, Family PhotographerRainy Day Photo ShootOur first album

I don't think you have to tell kids to play in the mud, they just do it naturally. tattoo, mud, rain, photo shoot, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Photo session,Rainy Day Photo ShootMud Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Julie Ryan Shiromamud

So when circumstances don't turn out like you expect, make the most out of it and you might just be surprised at the results. Rain, guitar, Oahu, Hawaii, Photographer, Julie Ryan Shiroma, FamilyRainy Day Photo ShootThe road taken

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118.24

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family family photographer hawaii hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer julie ryan shiroma oahu photographer portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/4/rain-showers-l-family-photos-on-oahu-by-julie-ryan-shiroma Thu, 19 Apr 2018 01:37:45 GMT
Children of Pu'uhonua O Wai'anae l by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/3/children-of-puuhonua-o-wai-anae-l-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Years ago I asked a 5 year old what he wanted to be when he grew up. "A fire truck!", he answered. I love working with children. Their responses are funny, spontaneous and usually genuine. 

Meet Sane. He is 5 and he wants to be a Blue Ninja. He moved around the tent with lightening speed so I think it is possible.  

Children, Oahu, Photograhy, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anae, Honolulu, Homeless Children, Twinkle, Governor IgeAll SmilesBlue Ninja in Red

Arkadia is also 5 and he was really shy when we first met.  It took him a few minutes to warm up to me and then he wanted to be in every picture and show me how fast he could ride his bike.

Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeWatch Me Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeWatch Me

I met R.J. who is 3 as he was following his father out of the village. He was very cautious of me so I took his photo and showed him the image on the back of my camera. He broke into a grin and said I could take another one. I was able to get close so you could see his beautiful long eyelashes.

Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeLittle BoyToddler Boy

Rohani is in 6th grade and she likes reading. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up but she said it in a way that makes me think she will change her mind several times. Her favorite thing about living in the camp is that they are all one family. They care for and look out for each other. You could see that as she interacted with the older and younger children.

Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeOne Family Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeOne Family Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaePlaying together

Kira is in 8th grade and math is her favorite subject. She also enjoys taking pictures so I let her take a few. Maybe one day she will become a photographer. When I asked what her favorite thing is about living here, without hesitation, she said Twinkle. I learned that Twinkle invests a lot in the children by loving them and teaching their parents how to parent better.

Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeTeenage Girl Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeTeenage Girl

Nainoa is in 10th grade and he is musical, likes math, and loves hula. Because of his own experience with divorce he wants to become a marriage and family counselor.

Homeless, Children, Governor Ige, Twinkle, Sweep, Oahu Photographer, Pu'uhonua O Wai'anaeBuddies

I have worked with children all over the world and they are more alike than they are different.  They want to be loved. They want to feel secure. They want to be able to pursue their dreams. That is why last week, when I heard this area was under the threat of a sweep my heart was so heavy.  When I first visited this village, I realized it was a model the government could learn from. I understand that both sides are meeting together now to find a solution and it is my hope that our officials keep the faces of these children in their minds as they do.

To keep up to date, Like Pu'uhonua o Wai'anae on Facebook. 

To become involved helping the children and families check out Tyrells Angels.   They can point you in the right direction.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family governor ige hawaii photographer homeless oahu photographer twinkle https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/3/children-of-puuhonua-o-wai-anae-l-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Mon, 19 Mar 2018 04:48:01 GMT
Choose Joy l Couples Session at Kahana Bay by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/3/choose-joy-l-couples-session-at-kahana-bay-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Couples, Hawaii, Kahana Bay, Oahu, PhotogrpaherStill the One

You're still the one that can make me laugh.

Still the one that's my better half.

We're still having fun and you're still the one.

—"Still the One," Orleans 

What do you do when it is raining?

Normally there is a sunny spot somewhere on the island but for the past week we had been almost covered in rain. As an artist, the prospect of getting photos of a rain drenched couple is appealing but it is not the clients ideal.

Erica and I touched base the day before and decided to just go for it even though the forecast was not great. We met at Kahana Bay and it was overcast but not raining. We persevered and were rewarded with dry weather and deep lush green mountains. It was perfect.

I have been taking pictures of Erica and Derek for a couple of years now and this was going to be their last session before they move off island. They are always fun to work with because they are easy going and they joke around. I know that his has been a hard year of loss for them but I could see that it drew them together. They chose laughter, joy, and clinging to each other and that makes all the difference.

Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy Kahana Bay, couples, Oahu, Hawaii, Honolulu, Papa OlesChoosing Joy

After our session I sent them to our favorite restaurant in the area:  Papa Oles. Best Teriyaki Beef on the island!

Click Here to book your own session.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) couples hawaii photographer kahan oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/3/choose-joy-l-couples-session-at-kahana-bay-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Sun, 11 Mar 2018 08:06:15 GMT
Snow Hawaiian Style l Oahu Family Photo Sessions by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/2/snow-hawaiian-style-l-oahu-family-photo-sessions-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Hawaii, snow, family, Oahu, Big Island, shutter speedHawaiian SnowFamily Photo on Mauna Loa

There is so much to see on the Big Island but when we heard there was SNOW on Mauna Kea...that became an obsession for these Hawaii kids. We made it to the Visitor's Center only to see that the road to the summit was closed due to high winds. We were so close! We turned around and could see that the snow was lower on Mauna Loa but had no idea how to access the mountain.

 This is one of those moments when my perfect English speaking husband turned on his local pidgin accent and asked the Ranger if it was possible to see snow on Mauna Loa. The ranger, hearing one of his own, pulled James behind the desk and pulled up  satellite images of Mauna Loa and zoomed in on where the snow met the access road. He gave great directions on how to find the access road and our journey to snow began again.

The Mauna Loa access road is more like a bike path.There were not many cars, but cooperation and road sharing was a must when we did eoncounter one. It was about 30 minutes of driving through a black lava landscape before we hit snow. The temperature was in the lower 50's. To those of us who live here, anything below 70 is freezing double blanket weather. Sadie and her cousin Zach jumped out of the car, not before Sadie stole my sweater, and started a family snow ball fight.

Big Island, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, Snow ball fight Mauna LoaFamily Snowball Fight Mauna Loa Big Island, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, Snow ball fight Mauna LoaFamily Snowball Fight Mauna Loa Big Island, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, Snow ball fight Mauna LoaFamily Snowball Fight Mauna Loa

We don't really stock up on gloves in Hawaii so if you look closely, you will notice hers are socks...mismatched at that.

Big Island, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, Snow ball fight Mauna LoaFamily Snowball Fight Mauna Loa

If you want to take an action photo that is not blurry, you need a fast shutter speed. Shutter speed is measured in fraction of seconds. It is the time the plate will stay up or the iris will stay open. When it is fast you are able to freeze the moment. Notice the snowball as it is thrown and broken apart in this photo. It stays sharp. The shutter speed for these two photos was 1/1000. Snow, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Big Island, Oahu Family PhotographerSnow Mauna Loa Snow, Mauna Loa, Hawaii, Big Island, Oahu Family PhotographerSnow Mauna Loa

Experiment with fast shutter speeds to freeze movement. Have your child spin and a fast shutter speed will give you sharp windblown hair.  A slower speed, 1/80, will give you motion blur. 

March is a great time to have your family pictures done. Plan an adventure and I can freeze the memories for you.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer mauna loa oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/2/snow-hawaiian-style-l-oahu-family-photo-sessions-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Thu, 01 Mar 2018 07:16:45 GMT
Details Will Melt Your Heart l Family Photography by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/1/details-will-melt-your-heart-l-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Baby, feet, toes, Sadie's Feet

When my daughter was born I was so amazed at how soft and smooth her body was, especially her feet.  I love baby feet and little squishy baby toes. When I held her I would keep one hand on her feet and just hold them. So soft. As she grew, one of the saddest moments was realizing that because she was more mobile her feet were no longer smooth like a newborn. They were getting rough and my heart broke to realize we had transitioned through one phase so quickly. When I see a photo of baby feet now, my heart just melts and I can remember what they feel like. In a session with young children I will usually take a detail shot of their feet. Who can resist little feet and toes? baby, feet, toesBaby Feet baby, feet, toesBaby Feet

What melts your heart? Is it the photos that zoom in on one part and let that tell the story of the whole?  EyeEye

Or a photo that focuses on a  detail that you love. I love my daughter's eyelashes and in the photo below I also love

the two grains of sand next to the freckle on her eyelid. 

Sand, eyelashesSandy Eyes  

How about images that only show part of the story so the viewer gets to imaging the rest...  sand, hands, feet, details sand, hands, feet, details sand, hands, feet, details sand, hands, feet, details sand, hands, feet, details sand, hands, feet, details

 Hopefully you are inspired to create images of your own that will melt hearts. Show me what you love by tagging me in your images for a chance to be featured on my Facebook page.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) baby feet details family oahu photographer hawaii photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/1/details-will-melt-your-heart-l-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Fri, 26 Jan 2018 23:22:23 GMT
Baby It's Cold Outside l Hawaii Portrait Photography by Julie Ryan Shiroma https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/1/baby-its-cold-outside-l-hawaii-portrait-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma There is nothing like the smell of snow in the air, grey skies and the silence of snowflakes once they start falling. This white backdrop is a photographers dream except this photographer lives in Hawaii.

When I say it gets cold here, I mean it is 72 degrees...Hawaii winter involves a scarf and Uggs along with your shorts and t-shirt. While all my photographer friends are posting families frolicking in the new fallen snow, my winter photos look oddly similar to my summer photos.

Instead of wallowing in my jealousy, it was time to create the Baby It's Cold Outside series. Enjoy these beautiful girls enduring the frigid island temperatures here on Oahu.


Baby It's Cold Outside   Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside Hawaii, Photographer, Oahu, ColdHawaii ColdBaby It's Cold Outside

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) baby it's cold outside family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer honolulu oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2018/1/baby-its-cold-outside-l-hawaii-portrait-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma Thu, 11 Jan 2018 09:19:17 GMT
Blessed in 2017 l Oahu Family Photography by Julie Ryan Shiroma https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/blessed-in-2017-l-oahu-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma 2017 is almost over and it is time to highlight my favorite photos from this past year. After looking through the galleries I narrowed down to images that just move me.  It could be the expressions, the story it tells or the emotion that it evokes. Enjoy some of the best of 2017.  Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017 Family portraits, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Vacation Photographer, Black and WhiteBest of 2017

Tell me in the comments which was your favorite and why. 

If you would like to book in 2018 contact me HERE.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer oahu family photographer oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/blessed-in-2017-l-oahu-family-photography-by-julie-ryan-shiroma Sat, 23 Dec 2017 04:43:03 GMT
Aloha l Couples Sunset Beach Session by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/aloha-l-couples-sunset-beach-session-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Inside

I first met Sandy, as I was beginning my photography business, when she came to my Bible Study. Immediately she offered her house as a place to photograph clients. My excitement went on overdrive when she described living on the beach with one of the few thatched roof cabanas still standing in that area. My very first sessions were in her back yard. She and Dave were always so generous with their time and property whenever I wanted to come. They truly have the gift of hospitality. As they are getting ready to say Aloha to Hawaii for a couple of years, their home was the perfect place to use as a backdrop for their session. Enjoy some of my favorites from their session as they shared what they will miss most with each other.

Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, sunset, dancing, talking, sharingCouples Hawaii

God provided a gorgeous sunset. It looked like  it was melting into the ocean and I even saw a green flash for the first time. Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset Couple Walking at Sunset, Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, Couple Walking at Sunset

Aloha Sandy and Dave till you return. You are loved.

Couples, Hawaii, Oahu, Photographer, moon, Moonrise

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/aloha-l-couples-sunset-beach-session-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Thu, 14 Dec 2017 01:05:55 GMT
Returning Home I North Shore Family Sessions by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/returning-home-i-north-shore-family-sessions-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, BeachFamily by the Ocean

An early morning session was easy for this family because they just arrived on Oahu and were still jet lagged. Oahu was home before they moved to the North West and they still continue to return for several weeks each year.  With their connections we were able to shoot at a private house on the north shore that had beautiful views and fun tide pools.  Enjoy some of my favorite photos from the session. Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach

Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, BeachWild Thing Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach Family, Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach

  They met surfing and have such an ease about their relationship. Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, CoupleSoul Mate

They grow up so fast.

Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, kids, Growing Up Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, kids, Growing Up Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, kids, Growing Up Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, kids, Growing Up Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, kids, Growing Up

Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach

This young lady has a stylish haircut courtesy of her talented Daddy the day before. He may have a second career as a stylist. Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, tween, Tween Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, tween, Tween Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, tween, Tween

Sessions that end in the ocean are the best.

Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea Family Portrait, Oahu, North shore, Hawaii, Beach, Tide Pools, SandSand and Sea  

Now Booking for 2018.  Contact me here to get started on your fun family session.

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children family hawaii photographer hawaii vacation photographer joy north shore photographer oahu photographer portraits summer tidal pools https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/12/returning-home-i-north-shore-family-sessions-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Wed, 06 Dec 2017 11:00:10 GMT
Home Sweet Home I Family Session on Wheeler by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/11/brothers-at-the-park-i-family-session-on-wheeler-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkHome Sweet Home

This family has a beautiful home that fronts a park on Wheeler AFB. They will be moving next year so when Kathleen suggested the session be in the park I knew it would be perfect. This is home in Hawaii and the park has hosted hours of tag, running, and endless games of imagination. Enjoy some of my favorite photos from this session. Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkPark Fun Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkPark Fun Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkPark Fun Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkPark Fun

These trees must be climbed.

Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkTree Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkTree Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkTree

Brothers are your first friends. Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkBrothers Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkBrothers Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkBrothers Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkBrothers Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkBrothers

They grow up so fast.

Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkGrowing up too fast Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkGrowing up too fast Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkGrowing up too fast Wheeler, Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Military, Brothers, ParkGrowing up too fast

Are you ready to document this time in the life of your family? Contact me here to book your own session.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) brothers children family hawaii oahu park photographer wheeler https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/11/brothers-at-the-park-i-family-session-on-wheeler-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Sun, 26 Nov 2017 08:03:27 GMT
Camp Pu'u Kahea Retreat I Oahu Real Estate Photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/11/camp-puu-kahea-retreat-i-oahu-real-estate-photographer Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsCamp Staff and grounds Puu Kahea

In 2003 I arrived on Oahu with 41 teenagers and 8 adults.  We were here for 10 days doing sports camps in Waianae and sharing Jesus as we went.  Our base camp for most of that time was Camp Pu'u Kahea in Waianae. Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsThe Big House Plantation Pu'u Kahea

I never dreamed that I would meet my husband on that trip and I would now be a permanent resident on this beautiful island. My husband grew up in Waianae and this camp was essentially his back yard. Over the years we have stayed here many times for various retreats and camps and the beauty of this area never grows old.

Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, Pu'u KaheaCamp Grounds Pu'u Kahea

The camp has had various directors since I have lived here and is now being run by Jimmy and Ashley Tucker. Under their stewardship, the camp has blossomed into, I feel, the best place for retreats on this island. Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsCamp Staff and grounds Puu Kahea Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsCamp Staff and grounds Puu Kahea Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsCamp Staff and grounds Puu Kahea Waianae, Real Estate Photos, Oahu Photographer, Plantation House, Hawaii, PalmsCamp Staff and grounds Puu Kahea

It is serene. There are views of the ocean as well as the rugged beauty of the Waianae Mountain Range. The porches overlook the grounds and allow for times of rest and study.

  Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views Porches, Pu'u Kahea, Hawaii, Real Estate, Photography, Real Estate Photographer, Camp, RetreatsPorches and Views

Unlike some camp food, the food at Pu'u Kahea is delicious. Chef Mike is from the South and so you will find Sweet Tea as well as local favorites. Staff, Pu'u Kahea, Retreat, Camp, Food, Staff, Pu'u Kahea, Retreat, Camp, Food,

The housing varies from Bunk Style to Hotel like rooms. Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms Lodging, Camp Rooms, Bunks, Retreat, Porches, Plantation, Hawaii, Camp Pu'u KaheaCamp Rooms

The beach is across the street and there are basketball courts and other fields on the grounds to keep you occupied. Basketball, Pu'u Kahea, Camp, Retreat, Hawaii,Basketball Court  

I hope you enjoyed some of the photos from this beautiful camp.

Contact me here if you would like real estate photos taken. I am also booking fun family sessions.

Keep in touch by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

Let's Keep In Touch

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) oahu photographer pu'ukahea real estate photographer waianae https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/11/camp-puu-kahea-retreat-i-oahu-real-estate-photographer Fri, 10 Nov 2017 02:03:15 GMT
Curls for Days I Family Session Kailua by Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/10/curls-for-days-i-family-session-kailua-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Oahu means The Gathering Place and Lanikai means Heavenly Sea.  For the Molina family from Texas, this is the perfect place to reconnect as a family and to seek God's direction for the next phase in their lives. "Kailua Photographer", "Hawaiii Photographer", Curls, Garden Family Portrait

The moment you walk into their family you are surrounded by love, laughter, and curls. Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little Kailua Garden photos, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer, Outdoor fun, Let them be little

We started with photos in the yard. The children were in their element playing and once dad came out he was everyone's first choice as a dance partner. Dancing with Daddy, Outdoor fun, children, lifestyle session, Kailua Family photographer Dancing with Daddy, Outdoor fun, children, lifestyle session, Kailua Family photographer Dancing with Daddy, Outdoor fun, children, lifestyle session, Kailua Family photographer Dancing with Daddy, Outdoor fun, children, lifestyle session, Kailua Family photographer

Next stop was Lanikai beach. Nothing says Hawaii like pineapples and leis. Pineapple, Windy, Kailua family photographerOcean and Pineapples Pineapple, Windy, Kailua family photographerOcean and Pineapples

Lucy picked up these beautiful leis at Picket Fence in Kailua. Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach Picket Fence Florist, leis, curls, Kailua Beach

There was a lot to explore at the beach which gave Lucy and Daniel some time together. Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer Exploring, Kailua Beach, children, Oahu Family Photographer

  They met as teenagers then married and started a family. Seven children later (6 girls and 1 boy) they seem just as much in love and connected as the day they married. Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's Couples, Love, Kailua, Romantic, Lulu's

This photo is the epitome of Motherhood...there is always a child that will need your attention. Mothers, Motherhood, Black and White, Curls

Enjoy a few more of my favorite images from this session. Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session, Family, Love, Kailua beach session,

  Contact me here so we can start planning your session.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) hawaii photographer family oahu photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/10/curls-for-days-i-family-session-kailua-by-julie-ryan-shiroma-photography Sat, 28 Oct 2017 08:52:26 GMT
All Smiles at Kaena Point I Oahu Family Photogrphy https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/all-smiles-at-kaena-point-i-oahu-family-photogrphy Senior year a time of appreciating all that is around you...especially your family. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourFamily Sitting on a RockAll Smiles at Kaena Point

Trevor and Jaycie are fun to watch because they get along so well. They genuinely enjoy each other. I have watched them talk, laugh and burst into impromptu musical numbers together. They have been raised well. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, ukuleleBrother and SisterLaughing together Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, ukuleleBrother and SisterLaughing together Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, ukuleleBrother and SisterLaughing together

Since Trevor and Jaycie have turned into amazing young adults, I often seek Lisa's advice in how to raise my daughter. Trevor has been my co teacher at church for several years and I am always impressed by his maturity. He is way more mature than I am...

Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, Senior portraitsTrevorHe is engaging, talented and fun. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, Senior portraitsTrevorHe is engaging, talented and fun. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, Senior portraitsTrevorHe is engaging, talented and fun. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hour, Senior portraitsTrevorHe is engaging, talented and fun.

Jaycie is my daughter's idol. She loves being around her because she is glamourous and fun. My daughter also senses a down to earth wisdom in Jaycie and takes her advice seriously. Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourJaycieSpunky and will of enthusiasm Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourJaycieSpunky and will of enthusiasm Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourJaycieSpunky and will of enthusiasm Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourJaycieSpunky and will of enthusiasm

We took some time at Kaena point to celebrate the beautiful relationships in this family. There were smiles, teasing and times of reflection. 

Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourFamily Time Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourFamily Time Senior photos, Kaena point, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu Senior photographer, beach session Hawaii, Golden hourFamily Time

Family photo session, Senior Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Kaena Point, Beach Session,Sitting at the Ocean's EdgeConversations at the Ocean

And all of a sudden they are ready to fly the nest. Family photo session, Senior Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Kaena Point, Beach Session, Mother and SonMother and SonWhen did you grow up? Family photo session, Senior Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Kaena Point, Beach Session, Mother and SonMother and SonWhen did you grow up? Family photo session, Senior Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Kaena Point, Beach Session, Mother and SonMother and SonWhen did you grow up?

I don't put my camera down until I am in my car on the way home because often my favorite photos happen after the session is done.

Family photo session, Senior Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Kaena Point, Beach Session, Iphones, Cell phones, communicationReal LifeThis is how we communicate

If you enjoyed these photos and want to schedule your own family session, contact me HERE and let's get started.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) "brothers and sisters" "oahu family photographer" hawaii photographer family kaena point" oahu photographer oahu senior portrait photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/all-smiles-at-kaena-point-i-oahu-family-photogrphy Thu, 28 Sep 2017 09:13:47 GMT
Sunrise Magic on Magic Island https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/sunrise-magic-on-magic-island Moments are magic and pregnancy is definitely a magic moment. Diamond Head, Maternity, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii, Magic Island, Oahu Maternity Photos, Diamond Head Maternity

What better place to capture this time than on Magic Island with the sun rising behind Diamond Head. Diamond Head, Maternity, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii, Magic Island, Oahu Maternity Photos, sunrise, baby bump photos, Hawaii Photographer

We were headed straight to the beach when we came upon an area of grass completely covered with falling flowers. It was a perfect way to start the morning.

Diamond Head, Maternity, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii, Magic Island, Oahu Maternity Photos, Diamond Head, Maternity, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii, Magic Island, Oahu Maternity Photos, Diamond Head, Maternity, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii, Magic Island, Oahu Maternity Photos,

Nicole looked beautiful surrounded by flowers with Diamond Head in the background. 

After a quick wardrobe change we had some more fun on the beach. Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photosFlowing Maternity GownsMaternity gowns on the beach at sunrise Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photosFlowing Maternity GownsMaternity gowns on the beach at sunrise

I love the mornings because the beaches are quiet, peaceful and the water is usually crystal clear. Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, baby bump photosBaby BumpI can't wait to meet you Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, baby bump photosBaby BumpI can't wait to meet you Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, baby bump photosBaby BumpI can't wait to meet you Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, baby bump photosBaby BumpI can't wait to meet you Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, baby bump photosBaby BumpI can't wait to meet you

I can't wait to meet this little one in November. We don't know if they are a boy or girl but I am pushing for the names:  Julie or Jude...

Maternity Gowns, Diamond Head, Magic Island, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu Family photographer, Oahu family photos, Motherhood, MagicBeautiful MamaMotherhood is so Magical

If you are ready to capture the magic in your moments, contact me HERE so we can start working on your session.


(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer maternity photos oahu oahu photographer oahu portrait photographer summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/sunrise-magic-on-magic-island Sun, 24 Sep 2017 07:29:27 GMT
Daddy Daughter Date https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/daddy-daughter-date Running to Dad, Dad daughter date, Oahu Family photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Toddler BeachRunning to DadCome here little one

"I hear babies cry, and I watch them grow
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world.

Author: Bob Thiele and George David Weiss

There is such a sweetness to seeing girls with their Daddy's.  I remember my Daddy playing cards with me as a little girl and the patience he displayed taking us water skiing or explaining math as I got older. 

This little girl has an amazing Daddy.

Father daughter dates, Oahu Child photographer, Oahu family photographer, Toddler habitsToddler biting finger Eye Contact, Daddy Daughter date, toddlers, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family photographerEye ContactI love looking into Daddy's eyes.

He is patient and kind and funny.

Fingers in beard, Daddy daughter date, Toddlers, Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family PhotographerDaddy's scruffy beardDaddy's beard feels scruffy.

He has a scruffy beard that she loves to put her fingers through. Dates with Dad, Family Photographer Oahu, Dads and daughters, Toddlers, Hawaii family photographerSnuggling with Daddy

He has strong arms and shoulders where she can feel safe and relaxed.                                                                    Black and White, Toddlers, Toddler smiles, Ocean, Hawaii family photographer, Oahu family and child photographerAt the edge of the oceanPlaying in the surf

She will grow into a confident woman under such strong love.

What do you remember about your Dad?

Click here to schedule your own family session.

Keep in touch by signing up for our monthly newsletter.

Let's Keep In Touch

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(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) hawaii photographer children daddy daughter dates' dates daughters family oahu photographer summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/daddy-daughter-date Mon, 11 Sep 2017 23:34:10 GMT
What would you take? https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/what-would-you-take Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii,

Years ago we were eating dinner with friends in Makaha when there was a knock on their door. At the door a firefighter who told us we needed to evacuate. The brush fire, from the far side of the mountain, was now just outside the door about 50 yards away. We knew we had to flee. We had a few minutes before we had to head to my house so what do you think we took? Was it the computer? Was it a box of documents? Nope...we grabbed the Peach Cobbler that had just finished cooking and a gallon of ice cream. Priorities.

To be fair, we were not at my house. However, watching all these evacuations from the hurricanes has me thinking, "What would I take?"

Much to everyone's surprise it wouldn't be the Cadbury Mini Eggs!

Here is my list:

My wedding album.  It is special and I will never get that dressed up again.

Art that we have collected as we have traveled, and photos of our family that hang on the wall. I am happy just looking at it.

Quilts that my mom has made.

My computer and hard drives which have all my images stored. Those of my childhood, my marriage and my family.

These, especially the family photos are priceless to me. The photos remind me of magic moments, ordinary moments, and the ordinary moments that become magical.

How about you...what would you take?

Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii,

PC Sophia Costa thank you for the beautiful photos with my parents. Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii,

Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Family Photographer Hawaii,

To have photos that you can grab on a moments notice...contact me HERE to schedule your family session. 


(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) hawaii photographer children family joy oahu photographer oahu senior portrait photographer portraits https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/what-would-you-take Wed, 06 Sep 2017 04:49:27 GMT
Senior Session North Shore Oahu https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/senior-session-north-shore-oahu The first time I met Mark, he was Markie and he was 5. If I were better at genealogy, I could tell you if we were cousins, first or second cousins, or a removed cousin. However we are related I am just glad we are family. Mark loves the ocean and plans to study it in college so the beach is an obvious choice to start taking pictures. The beach we chose not only offers beautiful sunsets but it is next to a local park where Mark could show off his mad basketball skills.  Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu

It didn't rain on us at the beach but we did catch a glimpse of a rainbow.

Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu

Reflecting on family and future and appreciating the journey to this point. Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions OahuThe future is full of possibilities  

My favorite moment of the day. I asked Mark to whisper something to his mom. He whispered, "Am I adopted?" I love genuine laughter. Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu  

These two may clown around but I know they will miss each other a lot next year. Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu

Senior Photographer, Oahu Senior Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Senior Boy Photos, Senior Beach Photo Sessions Oahu  

If this is your Senior Year please contact me HERE so we can document this special time in your life.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/9/senior-session-north-shore-oahu Tue, 05 Sep 2017 05:57:30 GMT
Kersten's Twin Life I Oahu Family Photography Session https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/8/kerstens-twin-life-i-oahu-family-photography-session  ​​​​​​I live on the best street in Oahu.  Our kids play outside till after dark.  The neighbors look out for each other, cook for each other's kids and we even celebrate New Years Eve with a pot luck and fire works outside.

The Kerstens live near me so their two kids are a constant presence in the cul-de-sac with my daughter.  They are energetic, creative, and full of joy.
They also grow up way too fast so we decided to head up to the North Shore before sunset to see what magic we could create.
Parker was most happy when he was playing with a stick and 'flying' into the surf.  Taylor just enjoyed doing her beautiful ballet moves as the sun set.

Chase and Kellie have known each other since high school and I was wondering if they still see each other as those young teenagers.  They both work hard to provide for and raise their twins so this was a chance to pause and reflect on what a beautiful family they are growing.

Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu PhotographerFamily Time Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu PhotographerMine Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu PhotographerCuddles and Kisses Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu PhotographerMy Family Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu PhotographerStill My Girl Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, details Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer Oahu Family Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Family Photo Session, Twin Life, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer  


Inspired to do your own family session?  Contact me HERE to get the process started.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) family hawaii photographer joy oahu photographer oahu portrait photographer portraits summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/8/kerstens-twin-life-i-oahu-family-photography-session Thu, 24 Aug 2017 02:46:33 GMT
They are Mine I Oahu Family Photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/8/she-is-mine-i-oahu-family-photographer What do you like best about your Daddy?

Sadie:  He plays with me.    

It is not the stuff he buys her, it is the time he spends with her.  She loves playing and laughing with him and there is nothing sweeter for him than hearing her laughter.                                                                                                                             

Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, familySecretsDaddy's are the best to tell secrets to.


Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraitsPlaying with Daddy in the surfIf you don't get in the surf, you are not having fun.









Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, daddy, daughter, dancing, mud, country, roadDancing with my DadCountry road dancing

Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, Daddy, daughter HugsI love my Daddy!














He enjoys listening to her. To all her questions even if they are the same questions over and over again.    

Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, Daddy, daughter, family, ocean, cliffs, conversationBeautiful ConversationDaddy daughter talks are the best.

Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, daddy, daughterBest Dad EverLaughing with my Dad















 His greatest joy is watching her grow into herself.  Seeing her discover who she is.

She is determined, usually to get her own way...

Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, fierce, I am fierceWatch out because I am up to something.











Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, macro, sand, eyelash, detailSand and freckleIf I could freeze time.





but also sweet and nurturing.






joy, beach, oahu, family, photographer, child, portraits, ocean, Hawaii, sunset, goldenJoyFull of Joy




She is full of joy and silliness.



Beach, Beach, Central, Child, Family, Oahu, Oahu, Photographer, Photographer, Photographer, Portraits, Sessions, Surf, lifestyle, photos, portraits, dancing, dirt, roadsCountry road dancerWild and free!





She loves to run wild, get dirty and her favorite part about this location was walking through the mud and letting it squish through her toes.




Waves, beach, Oahu, Hawaii, photographer, portraits, daddy, daughter, ocean, sunsetoopsFalling in the waves



Her Daddy will get silly with her.  He is fun and such a great role model.


Daddy, daughter, Oahu, Hawaii, green, portrait, lifestyle, photographer, field, oceanLeaderI will follow




He is someone she can look up to and follow.









Sunset, ocean, daddy, daughter, Oahu, Hawaii, portrait, lifestyle, photographer, family, childSunsetSunset with my Dad



At the end of the day, they are blessed to have each other, and I am blessed that they are mine.




I would love to capture special moments with your family.  Contact me HERE to start the process.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) beach daddy daughter family green hawaii photographer joy lifestyle oahu photographer oahu portrait photographer oahu senior portrait photographer ocean summer sunset https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/8/she-is-mine-i-oahu-family-photographer Sat, 05 Aug 2017 08:27:38 GMT
Tokyo Travel Discoveries https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/7/tokyo-travel-discoveries After two weeks in Japan, I am in love and I wasn't expecting to be.  I imagined not being able to get around because I don't speak Japanese and not liking any of the food.  I was wrong.  Book your trip now and here are a few of my favorite finds in Japan.

Before you go download this App:  NAVITIME for Japan.  Although it includes a lot of sightseeing advice, this app is great for mastering the train system in Tokyo.  Just click on the route icon on the bottom and you can enter your starting point and your destination. Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer,   


The app will tell you what time it will leave, arrive, how much it cost.  It also will tell you which train line to take:  JR Yamanote line-- in this image

Which platform to find it:  Platform 1.

Purchase a card such as SUICA because it is refillable and you receive a discount on each ride.  In this image:  IC154 yen instead of 160.

It will also tell you how many stops or if you have to change trains.  

It will even tell you where on the train it is better to sit/stand

This was an invaluable tool because so few people speak English.  Trains come every few minutes so you are not waiting very long.  

Also, the SUICA card may be used in vending machines and stores within the train station.


Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, ice cream, coolish, dessert

My daughter is eating Coolish.  It is delicious frozen goodness found in all the convenience stores.  We found two flavors while we were there:  Vanilla and Pineapple.  

We had Pineapple Coolish every morning for breakfast because it tasted like a smoothie so it must be healthy... 

The best part is the nutritional information is all in Japanese.  Since all the people we saw were slim, it has to be good for you.

Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer,







  Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, Korean Pancake, Shin Okubo



While Sadie ate Coolish at night, we had Korean Pancakes.  You could choose between plain honey, honey/cheese, chocolate, beans, honey/nuts and several savory flavors.

These are crispy on the outside with cheese and honey (my favorite) oozing from the middle.  Pro Tip:  Tell them you want to eat it right there and they will give you the open ended packet. Even if you plan to take it and eat later, the open air packet keeps the pancake crisp on the outside.

Our favorite vendor was in Shin Okubo.  He has a large yellow square sign above his area that looks like the drawing on the packet.  This pancake was 300 yen or about 2.70 us dollars.  That is cheap enough to have twice a day...

One unique thing about the culture...they don't eat or drink and walk.  So you can stand by the rail and wait till it cools a little to eat, or you can carry it back to your house.




Kichijoji is our favorite city.  It has a great vibe with lots of great restaurants and shopping.  Several nights we would sit outside, eat dessert and listen to a live local band.


Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, Kichijoji, crepes, dessert

Located in Kichijoji is Marion's Crepes.  Even though we have this at Ala Moana on Oahu, these were crispier around the edges.  

She closes at 7:30 so on this night we were forced to have them as an appetizer before dinner.  Definitely worth it. 

Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, crepes, kichijoji, dessert












Are you a cotton candy fan?  I am not but this Totti Candy Factory may have transformed me into one.  To me, no matter what color cotton candy you chose, it all tasted the same.  Here though at this shop in Harajuku, each flavor was distinct, delicious, airy and melted in your mouth.  

Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, cotton candy, harajuku



As large as this is, it disappeared within minutes.  You would think              our daughter would be so appreciative that she would share such          a large treat with us...You would be wrong.  She kept moving                    around making it difficult for us to pull it off the stick.




Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, milk, tea, milk tea, drink




Milk Tea.  Just the mention of it makes me happy.  It is creamy tea with a slight malted flavor.  We found the large bottles on sale at Don Quixote so we packed them in plastic and prayers to transport back to Hawaii. Happy to report they all made it back safely.

Another plus to this drink:  38 calories per 100ml.  (Because clearly I am health conscious)



As a photographer it is hard to go on vacation without wanting to film all the adorable families I see. Thankfully, I had the opportunity to document this beautiful family in a local park.  Nothing makes a photographer happier than good light and an over grown field!                                                                          Japan, Travel tips, Hawaii Family Photographer, Tokyo, Oahu family photographer, park, grass                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  Tokyo is so different than what I was expecting and I can't wait to return.  These are just a few of my favorite discoveries while in Japan.  You may have noticed that most of them are food related but you don't know the best part...Because we walked an average of 6 miles a day, I actually lost weight.  

Japan is full of miracles.

Now that I am home, if you would like to schedule a family session of your own, click HERE.  

I look forward to hearing from you.                                                                              



(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) hawaii family photographer japan oahu photographer tokyo travel tips vacation https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/7/tokyo-travel-discoveries Thu, 27 Jul 2017 06:19:18 GMT
Coffee Anyone? https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/7/coffee-anyone Coffee lovers don't just drink their coffee, they experience it.  If you are on the North Shore of Oahu, one of the best coffee experiences is at Coffee Gallery.  As you approach the door you are treated to the rich aroma of hand roasted coffee.  The coffee is roasted in small batches and is always dark and smooth.

Coffee Gallery, Coffee, Hawaii, Hawaii photographer, Hawaii family photographer, Oahu family photographer Hawaii Coffee, Coffee Gallery, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer Coffee Gallery, Oahu Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Coffee, Things to do in Hawaii, Things to do on Oahu, Hawaii Family Photographer

One of my favorite details in this place is the woodwork.  Check out the reclaimed wood they used in the display shelves!

Coffee Gallery, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer

I just love hanging out in this place.  They have a great back room that is perfect for studying or editing photos.  It is cool and you can feel the trade winds as you work. If you would rather be outside, they also have a courtyard with tables in the back.  It is the perfect place to relax and read or enjoy conversation with friends. Coffee Gallery, Coffee, Hawaii, Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, family photographer, oahu family photographer, Hawaii family photographer

Along with coffee, they also serve homemade pastries, soups and sandwiches.  I especially love their carrot cake. 

Coffee Gallery, Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Oahu family photographer

And for those who are not coffee fans, they also serve milkshakes.  My daughter loves the chocolate one.

Coffee Gallery, Oahu Family photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, milkshakes       

  As a photographer, it is hard not to love a place that has a camera lens mug for sale...

Coffee Gallery, Hawaii family photographer, Oahu family photographer, coffee

Plan on stopping by for a coffee or snack next time you are on the North Shore.  

Address:  66-250 Kamehameha Hwy. 

 If you would like to schedule a Family Session with me, we can do it over coffee here :)  Contact me for more information.


(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) children coffee gallery family haleiwa hawaii hawaii family photographer north shore oahu photographer hawaii photographer oahu portrait photographer oahu senior portrait photographer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/7/coffee-anyone Sun, 02 Jul 2017 02:12:26 GMT
Explorering Oahu Family Photo Session https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/5/explorers-oahu-family-photo-session Children are naturally curious and Remi and Resse are no exception.  Right out of the car they are immediately enthralled with sticks, dirt paths, and my favorite mud puddle.  You can tell they are raised to be outdoor explores because their Mom, Erin, was able to relax even though they were getting dirty.

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

Next stop is the ocean so we can wash off the mud.    Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

So the mud is a little hard to get off...

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography  Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography  Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

So many beach treasures to be found.

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

The world is wide and ready to be explored!

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

Oh the adventures we will have!

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography family bonds, hands, mother daughter, Oahu children Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

Family Photographer, Child Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Lifestyle Photographer, Oahu Family Adventure, Oahu Family Adventure Photography

To book your own family adventure session click here.



(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer Oahu Portrait photographer Portraits beach children family joy summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/5/explorers-oahu-family-photo-session Thu, 01 Jun 2017 02:46:10 GMT
Feltner Family Photography Session Oahu Hawaii https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/5/feltner-family-photography-session-oahu-hawaii Knowing Stefanie for a few years, I was excited to meet the rest of her family. Kerry was meeting Stefanie at the beach from work and I was able to recognize him right away due to his shirt.  One of the benefits of wardrobe consulting! 

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer,

I love the feel of this black and white image.  You can see their personalities coming through. Fun, easy going and relaxed.

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer,

One of the first things that you notice about Kinley and Kellen is how blue their eyes are.  The color will stop you in your tracks.

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Life is an adventure with Mom and Dad Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

It just isn't a fun beach visit unless you can splash someone! Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Kinley loves her Daddy!

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

And her Momma.  Such personality!

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Family is every thing.

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Family Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer, Family Beach Session Oahu, Family Photographer, Hawaii Child Photographer, Oahu Child Photographer, Oahu Portrait Photographer, Lifestyle Photographer

Blessings as you head to your next adventure.  You will be missed.



(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Family Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer Oahu Portrait Photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer Portraits beach children family joy summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/5/feltner-family-photography-session-oahu-hawaii Sat, 13 May 2017 06:44:40 GMT
Disney Family Portrait Session Oahu Hawaii https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/4/disney-family-portrait-session-oahu-hawaii When I think about this family, the words laughter and connection come to mind.  When a family is laughing and enjoying being together it makes what I do so much easier.

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

You can tell Kate and Patrick really enjoy life and each other.

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

The timing was perfect for a photo shoot because Kate's Mom and Patrick's Dad were both on island.

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

This was going on in between shots so you can see how it was easy to smile.

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Is there anything better than piggy back rides?

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Or snuggles with your Mom?

  Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

You can see the adventure in his eyes!

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

He was so good at exploring the rocks and finding the most beautiful Hermit Crabs.

Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer Hawaii, Hawaii Family Portrait Photographer, Oahu, Oahu Family Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Lifestyle photographer

Thank you Disney family for such and enjoyable time.  I loved capturing this time in your life.




(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Oahu Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer Portraits Seniors children family joy summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/4/disney-family-portrait-session-oahu-hawaii Sat, 29 Apr 2017 02:46:09 GMT
Trinity's Sweet Sixteen Oahu Hawaii Photography Session https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/4/trinitys-sweet-sixteen-oahu-hawaii-photography-session Meet Trinity who came to Hawaii to celebrate her Sweet Sixteen birthday.

    Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

She is beautiful, talented, and yes...sweet.  Although I just met her, I can tell she is also an old soul.  As the camera captured her the result were these dreamy other worldly images.  Here are some of my favorites.

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

While planning this photo shoot I learned that Trinity played the ukulele and that they were going to bring it. When they arrived though we quickly realized the ukulele was left at the hotel.  This is where Mom turns into a Super Hero!  Even though it was hot and she had already had a long walk to the beach, Mom raced back to retrieve it.  I am so glad she did.  Nothing says Hawaii like a girl on the beach with an ukulele.   

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

It would not be a birthday without some of your closest friends.  So while Trinity was having her photos taken, two of her friends were helping me get some genuine smiles from her.  

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

Another beautiful sunset perfect for the birthday girl.

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Sweet Sixteen Session, Hawaii Portrait Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Family Photographer Oahu, Beach Photos

Happy Sweet Sixteen Trinity.  May this year be full of grace and laughter






(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Photographer Oahu Portrait photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer Portraits family https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/4/trinitys-sweet-sixteen-oahu-hawaii-photography-session Fri, 21 Apr 2017 03:42:58 GMT
Hannah's Oahu Senior Photo Session https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/hannahs-oahu-senior-photo-session  I met Hannah's parents when they were seated next to us at a Japanese Steak House.  We immediately hit it off and during the conversation we realized we had many friends in common and someone had even given her my card to call about taking her daughter's senior photos.  

Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

 Hannah did not want all typical beach, palm tree, ocean photos so we started in a lush valley.  Between the stream and unique trees and vegetation we were able to get some great photos.

Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe

Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe

 No photo session is complete without one photo bomber...

Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

 Throughout our time together I could tell that Hannah is just one of those people who always knows the right thing to do.  You can tell that she is actively listening to what you are saying but she is also observing what is going on around her.  Those two qualities will enable her to make a great impact in life.

  Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

Because the beach is so close we finished our session by the water.  We couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day to spend outside.

  Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

  Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

  I love being able to capture children with their parents.  

  Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographe

 Hannah shines from the inside out.  She is a beautiful soul on the inside first and that comes out of her relationship with Jesus.  I know God is going to use her to impact people where He sends her.  I am excited to watch that happen.

  Senior photographer, Oahu senior photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Photographer

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Portrait photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Senior Portraits Portraits Senior Sessions Hawaii Seniors family https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/hannahs-oahu-senior-photo-session Thu, 16 Mar 2017 01:01:03 GMT
Bradley's Senior Session Oahu https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/bradleys-senior-session-oahu Bradley had such a creative idea for his Senior Session.  We were going sailing!  Actually, he sailed and I was able to ride in a motor boat to catch him in action. Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

Bradley is confident, engaging and his energy and enthusiasm is contagious.  

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

 It was an overcast morning with light winds in Pearl Harbor but it was perfect for getting some great images.

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

Reflecting on all that the world has to offer.  

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

Bradley standing confident with the Missouri in the background.  He has his whole future ahead of him and I know he will take the world by storm. 

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer

Look Out!

Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Portrait photographer, Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer, Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer



(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Senior Portrait Photographer Oahu Photographer, Hawaii Photographer Oahu Portrait photographer Oahu Senior Portrait Photographer graduation sailing https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/bradleys-senior-session-oahu Sat, 11 Mar 2017 07:10:26 GMT
Mandy's Oahu Maternity Session https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/mandy Mandy and I are both from the East Coast and both fell in love and married local Hawaii boys.   This is Mandy and Peter's second baby and this one is a boy.  I am pulling for a name that encompasses "Julie" but so far have been unsuccessful. 

Oahu Maternity Photographer, Oahu Photographer, Oahu Couples Photographer, Hawaii Photographer, Oahu Family Photographer

Mandy chose this classic red dress for our photo shoot.  We decided to forego jewelry but as we were headed over to the cliff a hiker bent down and picked this purple flower for Mandy's hair. Hawaii portrait photographer, Oahu portrait photographer, Oahu Maternity photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Family photographer Oahu

We were anticipating a beautiful sunny day but the island had been drenched with rain recently and the storm clouds were gathering as we pulled up to our location.  We had about 20 minutes before the downpour started and we made the most of it.  The mountains were so lush and green because of the rain and the paths were deep muddy brown.  The lighting before the storm was just magical.         Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer As we moved over to the normally dry dirt path, it was muddy and full of puddles but we just rolled with it.  It was symbolic of the road that all mothers are on.  You think it will be smooth and easy but in reality it is muddy and messy but so worth it. Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer Hawaii photographer, Oahu photographer, Hawaii maternity photographer, Oahu maternity photographer, Hawaii Family photographer, Oahu family photographer, Oahu portrait photographer

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hawaii Maternity Photographer Oahu Maternity Photographer Oahu Photographer Portraits family https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2017/3/mandy Wed, 08 Mar 2017 07:42:35 GMT
Goodbye 2016 https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2016/12/goodbye-2016 Like everyone on the last day of the year, I am reflecting on some of the great memories of 2016.  Here are some of my favorite photos from the past year.  

Pretty soon she won't be the baby anymore. 

Maternity, Mother DaughterMomNikon D80
















 You can dress me up but I will still eat my toes...

Baby, Black WhiteBaby FeetYou can dress me up but I will still eat my feet.


















I love the movement of the water and the expression on her face.

Water, Splash, Oahu PhotographerSplash
















It is so easy to get lost in a good book.

Oahu Photographer, BooksA Good Book
















Such a beautiful place to celebrate being engaged.

Engaged Oahu PhotographerEngaged
















I love everything about this image.  I was especially delighted that, without planning, her sweater matched the typewriter.

Oahu PhotographerStoryteller
















The beach is the best place to clear your head.

Oahu photographerIntrospection
















I was still seated photographing someone else in their group when I looked up and snapped this.  This captures the essence of this couple. Carefree, fun and beautiful.

Oahu Photographer
















When you are near the water it just makes sense to get in and have fun.

Oahu PhotographerSplash


















You are never too young to help.

Oahu PhotogpraherHelper
















Every sunset is different.  I love that this one complements her dress.
















A beautiful couple and beautiful blues.
















Romantic moments on deserted beaches.  Well expect for the photographer...
















Dancing in the sunset.  To be young and free.
















What is not to love in this.  Perfect silhouette and perfect sunburst.
















Enjoying the last week of being a couple before the baby arrives.  You can tell they just enjoy each other.
















When some of your cousins live overseas, it is important to document those times that you do get to spend together.
















This was the fist time shooting indoors at someone's house.  The lighting was great and these new parents are naturals.
















This is what family looks like.  I love that he is just done and off exploring.  
















Strong together.  

Oahu Photographer


















Wild and free.  

Oahu PhotographerWild and Free
















Thank you to all the family's who made 2016 wonderful.  Happy New Year!













(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Children Hawaii Oahu Oahu Photographer Portraits family joy summer water https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2016/12/goodbye-2016 Sat, 31 Dec 2016 21:51:51 GMT
Friendship https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/7/friendship What do you do when one of your best friends is about to move?  You have a photo shoot so you will always remember each other.  

I am so thankful for these girls.  They are imaginative and will play outside for hours with all the neighborhood kids.  They have learned to be kind, generous, patient and they will be girls who improve the world.

Nikon D80

Nikon D80


Nikon D80

Nikon D80

Nikon D80


Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80 Nikon D80

Can you pick out the photographer's daughter?

Nikon D80   Nikon D80 Nikon D80

A friend loves at all times.  Proverbs 17.17




(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/7/friendship Fri, 17 Jul 2015 06:40:43 GMT
Water https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/5/that-was-then  I have loved taking photos since I was a young girl.  I started out with a Nikon shooting film and as I type this, I am flooded with memories of film canisters, negatives and the smell of developing solutions.  

Taking film photos involved patience. There was no option to delete a photo so I had to get the shot right the first time.  Once a roll of film was done, I would race to the drugstore so they could develop it.  Unlike digital, I would have to wait until the film was developed before I knew if any of those images were great.

I took the photo above 25 years ago with my Nikon FG 20.  As I was flipping through my photos at the drug store I immediately fell in love with this one.   

I was so excited to have caught the spray in mid stream.  

I love the water dripping off her face.  

I love her expression.  

I am still proud of this photo.

Today I am still fascinated by water.   This is a recent shot of my daughter under our water slide.  It was taken with my Nikon D80.   I love it for all the same reasons I loved the photo of my niece 25 years ago.  The water droplets in mid air and especially her expression.  

Water is magical.  

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Water catcher children developing digital family film joy slide sports summer https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/5/that-was-then Thu, 28 May 2015 18:41:28 GMT
Clutter https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/3/clutter  

"Your computer is NOT a photo album!"  This was one of the first statements that a photography professor told me.  I still took six thousand more photos and  thought I had a virus before I moved them to a hard drive.  

Not only did my computer speed increase dramatically but I now had my photos stored elsewhere.

Picture your desk completely cluttered.  Picture it with over four thousand photos and then try to find something on your desk like a pen or a bill.

 It may take awhile.  

This is what happens to your computer when you have too many images stored. It takes awhile to find things.  

Has your computer becomes sluggish?  Have your upload times are increased?  Do you wonder if you have a virus...

The culprit could be too many images stored on your hard drive.  

If you have never moved your images to an external hard drive, now is the time.  They are affordable.  Mine was $79 on sale and you can always find one on sale.

The reason back ups are so important is because your computer will crash.  If you have images that are irreplaceable, you would want to back them up to two different hard drives.  

After you back up your photos, and double check to make sure you can find them on the external hard drive, delete them from your computer.  You will now be amazed at how much faster your computer will perform.  





(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) back drive hard photos up https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/3/clutter Sun, 29 Mar 2015 05:25:28 GMT
Floating Hearts https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/2/floating-hearts  

Happy Valentine's Day!

I had such a great time working on props for the mini sessions.  With a heart punch and fishing line we created a sea of floating hearts.  It was magical.  

This is easy to create.  I taped fishing line on the floor and then taped the hearts to the fishing line at different intervals.  Once a line was full, I tied a loop to the top of the fishing line and slid it on a wooden dowel.  Once the dowel was full, I taped it to the ceiling.  I had two dowels full of heart strings.

Here is what I would do differently.  Learn from my mistakes and it will save you a lot of time in post processing.

1.  Use very fine or light test fishing line.  I used a heavier test which showed up in the photos.  Photos like the one above required a little more editing in order to achieve that floating effect.  In the image below you will be able to see the fishing line.  

2.  Next time I would also make twice as many hearts and tape them together so the fishing line runs between hearts.  In this photo to the right you will also be able to see where I taped the fishing line to the heart.  The silver lining is I was able to become more proficient at cloning in Lightroom.   

Overall these were really fun sessions to shoot.  The children were mesmerized by the hearts and had a good time interacting with them.

(Julie Ryan Shiroma Photography) Hearts Valentine's Day children floating hearts holidays https://www.julieryanshiromafoto.com/blog/2015/2/floating-hearts Sun, 15 Feb 2015 02:10:13 GMT